As this is my first time riding in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I quickly noticed how rocky they are. Each mountain range seems to have its own distinct characteristics. Here are a couple of photos showing what I mean.
One other thing I saw in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and I have also seen other places on this trip is what is called a "flag tree". The flag tree is not a specific type of tree but rather how it grows. Due to harsh wind and weather in certain areas, all the branches on the tree only grow (or survive) on the sheltered side of the tree.
I also stopped for some photos at Lake Tahoe. Here are a few snaps. There was a bunch of haze in the air so these are the best photos I could get unfortunately.
The next traffic situation was near the end of the day as I was finishing my last pass over the mountains. One of the roads I wanted to take was closed due to a fire. I could not see any fire or smoke but the smell of smoke hung in the air. I did see a helicopter carrying a bag of water so there must have been some active fire somewhere. I did drive through a large section you could tell had recently been on fire. With the road closure, there is no "short" detour when in the mountains. I had to detour from California back into Nevada and then get back on route. Oh well.
The third traffic incident occurred about 25 miles from my intended campsite. This was on a major road and there had been a terrible crash. We were stopped for a long period of time or at times they would let 1 side of traffic or the other proceed. It took another 1.5 hours to get through this traffic congestion. It appears a pickup towing a camper trailer (maybe 30 feet long) crashed with another vehicle. All that was left of the trailer was the frame and a pile of debris. The other car involved in the incident did not look very good, the entire front end was smashed back to the front seat. I did see a medical helicopter leave the scene.
I am spending the night at the Coleville California KOA. It is time to do laundry and get caught up. I was hoping to get here early but that didn't happen. It was almost 7:00PM by the time I arrived. This is a pretty nice KOA. It has the nicest bathrooms I have seen in a KOA. It is not very busy either. Nice and quiet and with a view as well.
Well, it is almost 8:00 a.m. Monday morning I have still have to pack up before I get going today so I best get moving. The route today will bring me over the mountains 1 more time and then to Yosemite National Park. Another first for me.
Thank you for allowing us to tag along, virtually.